Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Welcome Paulette and Welcome Back Sara!

My friend that I met on Ravelry, Paulette aka Mamiepooh, came to visit me last week.  We had a fabulous time....it was if we had been lifelong friends!  Thank you Paulette for such a fabulous 6 days!

Before I jump into my fabulous week with my knitting sisters....I have to share the beautiful necklace that Jaime got me for Valentine's day (the opal heart...the Longhorn one he got me years ago) and the chocolates I got from Paige, Chris and Antonio.

Now on to welcome Paulette and Sara:

She arrived on Thursday, so off to the airport to get her.  I also picked up Sara...she used to live here in TX and I met her thru SNB, but she now likes in the UK and she comes back every year in February for the retreat.

With both ladies acquired, a trip to Tinsmth's wife was called for....here are some pics Sara took.


(this is Stupendously Silly Sara)

And here is a pic of Paulette and I:

Now, I did not buy anything at Tinsmith's Wife (aren't you proud of me?)....but Paulette did give me a skein of yarn....she brought some sock yarn called "Pair-fect" to make a perfect pair of matching socks....and I love the colors...they may even be for Jaime (shhhh, do not tell him).

Then home for a little rest....and off to eat dinner with Darlene.....Can you believe we did not get a single picture of all of us at dinner on Thursday evening?  Well, we didn't!  GRRRRRR!

Friday we had a few errands in the morning and then off to the 4th Annual SAFR Spring Retreat.....picture overload at the end of this post.

A very fabulous friend, Tami, made a quilt for Precious...it was going to be a tree skirt, but she did not like it so she turned it into a doggie blanket and Precious LOVES it...Thank You Tami!

We came home Sunday and went to dinner with Jaime.  We went to Outback....we could not decide between Outback and Red Lobster.....we went with Outback in the end and Paulette got both steak and a lobster tail.....I had a rib eye steak....Yumm!

Yesterday was President's Day and we were busy running around some more....we went to the Riverwalk for Paulette to see and ate at The Rainforest Cafe.....I got Antonio Sunday night, so he went with us and loved all those animals!

Paulette also brought me some fabulous Maple Syrup....along with these sweets that are an ice cream cake cone...with taffy-ish mable syrup in it and maple sugar on top to hold in the taffy-ish maple syrup....I need to get a picture of them....but she also brought all of my grandchildren a maple syrup Lollipop....Look at Antonio enjoying his!

As for knitting (and crocheting)....I really only worked on 2 or 3 things this past weekend.  I worked on the Southern Skies shawl for Shyla's wedding...I worked a little on my socks....but I mostly worked on my Fade...since it was very mindless and I wanted to get it done!  I did.....I got it done!  It is not blocked yet and still plenty big!

Lastly, I started my "Birthday Blanket".....I am going to crochet a blanket with the yarn Darlene got me for my birthday (along with a couple contrasting black and gray skeins).  I cannot wait for this blanket to get bigger!

Well Ladies and Gents....that is all I have except for Picture Overload of the Retreat!  Thirty Four Pictures.....Enjoy!

Happy Happy Happy Knitting!

1 comment:

  1. Coolio! I love your Fade. The retreat looked like a blast.
