Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Seaming or Lobotomy?

 Hey everyone...how are you?  I am okay I guess.  I got June's blanket yarn.......

and prior to knitting with it, it requires seaming......I am not a fan of seaming....quite frankly, I just might prefer a lobotomy over seaming....but I did it (no lobotomy needed).

Now I just need to pick up stitches on the sides and knit the June portion.

I know this is going to be hard to believe.....but that is really all the knitting I have done.  However, I have some pics to share.

First, I stole a pic from Paige's instagram....the family was out an about meeting friends.....

I baby sat Amira this past week....and someone is super protective

Jackson got a new baby (he gets a new one every couple of weeks because his sister is not always nice to his babies)....and it never ceases to amaze me how much he loves them

I have re-arranged a few things in my office/yarn room......and I have two coworkers sleeping on the job....LOL!

That is pretty much all I have......it is super hot here in Texas so stay cool!!!  Have a great week!

Happy Happy Happy Knitting!

Monday, June 17, 2024

Almost half way!

 Hey everyone....can yall believe we are almost 1/2 way done with 2024??!!

I haven't done as much knitting as I would like....but this is the story of my life most days.

My newest granddaughter is already over 1 month old

Paige needed a new microwave installed over her stove, so I went to help Kody do it.

Kody celebrated a fabulous First Father's Day yesterday (he has always been a fabulous step dad to Antonio, but now he also has Amira)

I ordered some more stitch stoppers from Elizabeth

I had a work event I had to attend so I actually got dressed to leave the house and a new Hydroflak Cup I got for Lupe matched me perfectly

I do not know how quickly Cicada's hatch...but I went to a 5:30 am workout one morning (Meaning my tires had been spinning at least 45 mph, probably more) and later that morning I went to take the trash out and saw a cicada hatching on my tire.....I was a bit shocked.

Lastly I have had some really amazing meals lately....I should probably cut back on my deserts (and I wonder why I gain weight....LOL)!  The first is an HEB pre made meal I just had to pop in oven with a Crumbl Toffee Cake/Cookie.  The 2nd is a door dash order (cortesy of a vendor at work for a work luncnh meeting) from Carrabba's Italian Grill....complete with Tiramisu.

Lastly....my knitting......I AM ALL CAUGHT UP ON THE 2024 CLUBS!  I finished May Blanket and May Shawl.  June Blanket shipped already and should be here tomorrow and June Shawl (last shippment) will ship around the 25th.

That is all I have!

Have a great week!  I have one AI generated yarn porn pic I snagged from the internet....AI is everywhere....I will never know what is real again....LOL!

Happy Happy Happy Knitting!

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Its June!!!

 It is June....can you believe it.  6/6/24 and if you add 2 and 4 together you get 6....so, 6/6/6....Lol...Just a little date math.

I have been knitting, but on thinking knitting so I have not gotten too far.  I have been knitting on my monthly shawl.  There are 2 months left in this.  I have been working on April and May yarn.  I actually just got May yarn:

Here is the shawl so far.

Also, I think most of you know that I am friends with the owner of Biscotte Yarns and I try to help run the quarterly KAL in their ravelry group.  Well, they recently posted a KAL for the Summer Lovers Socks.  Well, I purchased some yarn to join the KAL and I am on the fence.....I know I say this every year, but I really want to finish some WIPS before I start anything new and I also really kind want to start this KAL...I could win $100 gift card because you know....I have no yarn....LOL!!!

Here is the yarn I purchased.

I have really, really, really been trying to eat better....so I did some meal prepping and learned a few new recipies I have not completely failed.....

I recently caught a picture of Flower snuggling a toy (baby lamb)....she never really does this...she mostly just tears them to shreads, so I thought this was super cute

Lastly, my son at a recent CrossFit Competition (he is the one making a heart).

Have a great week everyone!

Happy Happy Happy Knitting