Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Seaming or Lobotomy?

 Hey everyone...how are you?  I am okay I guess.  I got June's blanket yarn.......

and prior to knitting with it, it requires seaming......I am not a fan of seaming....quite frankly, I just might prefer a lobotomy over seaming....but I did it (no lobotomy needed).

Now I just need to pick up stitches on the sides and knit the June portion.

I know this is going to be hard to believe.....but that is really all the knitting I have done.  However, I have some pics to share.

First, I stole a pic from Paige's instagram....the family was out an about meeting friends.....

I baby sat Amira this past week....and someone is super protective

Jackson got a new baby (he gets a new one every couple of weeks because his sister is not always nice to his babies)....and it never ceases to amaze me how much he loves them

I have re-arranged a few things in my office/yarn room......and I have two coworkers sleeping on the job....LOL!

That is pretty much all I have......it is super hot here in Texas so stay cool!!!  Have a great week!

Happy Happy Happy Knitting!

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