Monday, July 29, 2024

Feel Like a Virus?

 Hey everyone....How are you?  I am hanging in there.  

Feel like a Virus?  A Virus Shawl that is.  I made one for Darlene this past January for her birthday......I have another one that I started:

I also bought more yarn to start 2 more.....becuase I do not have enough projects already....LOL!

One is Venus Colorway (3 ply)

One is Color My World # 9 (4 ply)

Then, I think my dogs are just the I have to share my cutie pies

I blocked Kody's socks....his birthday was yesterday, so perfect timing

I sent a care pacakge to two cutes in Scotland......Mia loved the sour patch kids and Coley loved the sweatshirt

I finished a chicken for Paige

I started socks for Lupe

and I have been working on Antonio's Pom Pom Blanket

Lastly, a few healthy meals I have made

That is really all I have.....I hope you find the following pic as helpful as I have....have a great week!

Happy Happy Happy Knitting!

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