Wednesday, October 9, 2024

I'm Functioning!

 Hey!  How are yall?  Well, I am functioning....this is what I mean.


I feel like my life is unorganized so......I decided to clean out my yarn room and rearrage my yarn.  Remember when Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman goes back to the sales lady that would not wait on her?  She says, "Big Mistake, Huge!" and she shows all the bags of what she bought.

Well....I am thinking....Big Mistake....Huge!

Here is where I am so far.....and this is only like 1/2 way.  

Yup....its a disaster....I get one bin done, then bamb,  I find more yarn for that bin.  I think I am up to 3 acrylic yarn bins....and I barley use acrylic.  LOL!

I did finish Lupe's Blanket <3

He also bought me some gorgeous flowers for my desk.....I love them

That is really all I have.....I do have some amazing pics of Amira and one with Tone!

That is all I have.....hopefully I have more next week and I am more organized next week!  LOL!

Happy Happy Happy Knitting!

Thursday, October 3, 2024

The joys of being a homeowner!

 Well, I knew it was just a matter of time......My AC went kaputt.  It was installed by my late husband approx 2003-2004, it was a 2001 unit.  In the last couple of years, I have had to call out a friend of his who had an AC company and he had told me in the past that I needed to save some money because it was on it's last leg.....well, that last leg broke!  LOL!  Did you notice I said he "had" an AC company?  Well, I texted him (like I usually do) and I got a reply that is was a new company and my friend, Brent, retired.  I am so happy for him!!  And now I have a brand new unit so I am hoping I do not need any service calls for a long time!

I got to pick between Rudd, Goodman and York.....well, Darlene's last name is York so.....

Isn't she pretty??

On to knitting.....

I also have 3 baby girl blankets I need to make.  I wanted to make Glamping blanket like I made for Amira....but I would need approx $240 of yarn (and now with the new AC, I have no money for yarn!)...maybe a little less if I had enough left I started to do some searching and playing around in ravelry and in my stash.  I have a ton of Linen Quill and I had the Four Corners blanket saved in my favorites......this is a picture from a ravelry user called emmaylor (copyright to her)

This user used Madelinetosh Wool and Cotton....which I have some of, but I had planned a shawl with it...well, we all know I have more than enough shawls so this is an option

The original pattern calls for Linen Quill, but I wonder if the alpaca in it is too fuzzy

Then I pulled some cotton out from my stash

Then some cotton linen blend

For now, I have started with the cotton one

I am enjoying it!

My cousin was in town from Germany with his husband (Marius and Sven....Marius on the left is my cousin).  I always love seeing them!

They brought my favorite chap stick for everyone

We had a fabulous family dinner with everyone....Amira and Antonio have both grown so much!

We had a fabulous dinner by Jim & Janice (I had to take leftovers to Lupe, he cannot leave on weekends(yet))

Here is everyone <3

That is all I have......Have a great week everyone!

Happy Happy Happy Knitting!

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Its Beginning to look a lot like.....Halloween!!!

 Hey everyone....How are you?  I think last week I showed you some Halloween Yarn I got and I decided to start a granny square blanket....I used black as the joining color.  I know it does not look like much.....but it was a lot of work for me and I am in love so far!!!

Lupe had a parole class last week and there was a beautiful rainbow

My amazing friend, Paulette, from Canada sent the cutest outfit for Amira

Lupe made me delicious (but proabably not the healthiest) carnitas with beans and a baked potato (I asked for avocado as well) was soooooo good!

It is also time for my annual test knit for the lovely Brigit in The Netherlands and her Advent you know this is top secret till December, but I can share that I have knit 49 grams so far...I started with 113 grams and am down to 64 so far....I am using a gorgeous yellow that is super hard to photograph!

Well, I think that is all I have.....Have a great week!

Happy Happy Happy Knitting!

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Another FO?

 Look.....Can it be true?  I have another FO!!  LOL!

It is just my socks for Lupe that were super close to being done.....

I got some yarn.....I got the monthly yarn from Jimmy Beans Wool

And I ordered some Halloween color yarn.  It is from Joanns.  It is Big Twist in the colorway Jack O Lantern.

I want to make a Granny Square blanket and could not figure out which Granny Square I liked I asked Lupe and Darlene and they both like the one on the right.   I only got 6 skeins of this yarn so I am hoping that will be enough for a blanket.  My first skein got me almost 9 squares (I had to use a little of second skein to finish).

That is all I have.....Have a great week!!

Happy Happy Happy Knitting