How have you been? I have been great......I have a few stash enhancements I am going to open with.
I bought a new bag set from Darlene.......Now, her shop is closed while she rides her motorcycle along with her hubby (on his own motorcycle) and their dog (she rides with the hubby) up North to Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, etc...(Yes, she has left me for over 2 weeks 🙁.....I am not sure what I will do with myself).......but this fabric is just the cutest, so at least I can look at all my awesome bags and she is with me in thought!
I also got some hostess gifts from Qianer at HiyaHiya. She is so amazingly generous. With Darlene and I starting a podcast together, I will no longer be doing any of the moderation for the HiyaHiya group (I finish out my last KAL at the end of June), but Qianer has agreed to donate some prizes to the podcast.....she is fabulous! Thank you Qianer!
And I got my DVD yarn I ordered in April with my coupon code. Prince of Thieves and Bing and the Andrews sisters
The pink the "Bing and the Andrews sisters" is not as pink as was on her I emailed her and hopefully she can re-dye the pink.

I finished the crochet blanket for Paige. I thought I would have to go to 19 stripes like I did for Chris' blanket but she said 17 stripes was is 77" x 64" just laying stretching. She loves it!
Other than that blanket.....the rest of the week (up until Saturday) was all about the JoJi Mystery Wrap! I kinda slacked on the Memorial day weekend and hardly worked on it that weekend (I was mostly crocheting on Paige's blanket) I was really kind of just starting on clue 3 last Tuesday...then Thursday clue 4 came I had lots of catching up to do.
On Tuesday there was a big rain storm and I had no power at my home. Since I could not cook (gasp) and ordered in pizza and knit with my portable battery operated Clever Scope...Yippee!
I am not quite done with clue 3 yet...I have one triangle done to clue 3 plus 2 rows of clue 4 done....but on the second triangle, I still have about 17 rows on clue 3 to finish.
On Saturday I got my Miss Babs Second Destination Package....we are going to Peru Baby! I am in love with this kit.
Now, we had a color choice on this. The color choice was "Pink" or "Not Pink" and I went with Pink.....come to find out that the Not Pink option is ORANGE. I thought I was going to be really bummed not to get the orange....but I was wrong....I LOVE THIS PINK AND BLUE! (the pattern is called Llama Drama by Casapinka).
Lastly, Arran's (Jaime's youngest son) graduation ceremony is tomorrow. I really did not have anything mindless to work on so I started my June socks so I can take them to knit on tomorrow during the ceremony.....
That is just about all I have knitting wise. Antonio and I got to hang out this past weekend. He painted himself on the pack porch (I have an arrow pointing to his curly hair...see the resemblance?)
And made himself a 'tree house' in the backyard (yes, he knows it is not in a tree, but it is still his tree house):
and we got some Legos for having done so well all school year.....
This smile made it worth all 775 pieces!
Well, that is all I have....Have a great week everyone!
Happy Happy Happy Knitting!
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