Monday, March 16, 2020

Let's Flatten That Curve

So, I have no clue where in this world you are reading this from....but chances are you are facing some crazy times.

Schools closed, Sporting events cancels, travel restrictions, travel bans, bans on groups of 500 or more, restaurants, gyms, movies closing.

Lets all just banned together (do our part to flatten the curve).....and be kind to one another....we all want this virus to go away.  Do I think people are over reacting...yes, but I would rather ppl overreact than under react because we just need this virus gone!  I have more than enough  yarn to last me.

I got new yarn for the Hedgehog blanket that is beautiful

I finished the crochet blanket for Darlene to give to her great nephew

I have yarn to start a final baby blanket for a member of my family ( Zach's wife, Madison, is expecting end of April)

Darlene made me the most awesome Wallaby for my birthday....I love it!!!  Thank you Darlene!

Antonio went to Golf Camp all week....and now he is home from school.....

Ive still been hitting the gym and trying to be healthy.....also, baths are my new way of life to keep my muscles to keep from getting too sore....but I need the book that the Simpson's have!

Antonio made a rice crispy great with bananas and oranges....looked so good.

We also worked on a puzzle together and finished it....I have some more puzzles coming this week!

Lastly, Julie Ann Knitter on instagram is doing a sock challenge #sockknittingchallenge2020 to make an adult pair of socks in one week.....started yesterday (Sunday) and ends Saturday at midnight!

Have a great week everyone....wash your hands, stay home.....

Happy Happy Happy Knitting!

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